Debra Gerson | Functional Health & Fertility

The Functional Fertility Blog

The Truth About Pineapple Core For Implantation

fertility diet fertility foods holistic fertility infertility ivf natural fertility Oct 27, 2023
Eating Pineapple for Implantation

Eating pineapple core after a frozen embryo transfer (FET) or when trying to conceive naturally is a practice that some people believe may help with implantation and increase the chances of a successful pregnancy. The idea behind this belief is rooted in anecdotal evidence and folk wisdom rather than scientific research. Here are a few reasons why people may think they should eat pineapple core after FET:

1. Bromelain Content: Pineapple core is thought to contain higher concentrations of an enzyme called bromelain, which is believed to have anti-inflammatory properties. Some people believe that consuming bromelain may help reduce inflammation in the uterine lining, creating a more favorable environment for embryo implantation.

2. Anectodal Wisdom: The practice of eating pineapple core after FET may have been popularized by individuals who claimed it helped them get pregnant or improve their chances of implantation. Such anecdotal evidence can spread through online communities and word of mouth despite solid scientific research.

3. Sense of Control: Fertility treatments, including FET, can be emotionally challenging, and many people seek ways to feel more in control of the process. Following specific rituals or dietary guidelines, such as eating pineapple core, may provide a sense of control and involvement.

It's important to note that there is limited scientific evidence to support the idea that eating pineapple core has a significant impact on fertility or implantation success. Fertility and reproductive outcomes are influenced by a complex interplay of factors, and eating pineapple core alone is unlikely to be a decisive factor. However, pineapple does contain vitamin B6, copper, thiamin, folate, potassium, magnesium, niacin, riboflavin, and iron so it is very healthy for you in general and will not hurt your chances of pregnancy.

If you are considering trying this practice or have questions about your fertility journey, it's essential to consult with a qualified healthcare professional or fertility specialist who can provide evidence-based guidance and tailored advice specific to your situation. 


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